Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Third time's a charm!

I think this is my third time, dipping my toes into the world of blogging.  I love to write, I love words, I enjoy reading other people's blogs.  Maybe part of the challenge for me is consistency.  But I read other minister bloggers, and they process sermon material, spiritual reflections. These are all things I do almost every day and week.  They even do serious exegesis through blogging!  I've joined revgalblogpals - twice I think.  I've tried Wordpress and am now back to enough about past failures, or let's call them false starts.  
I think part of my hang up is  perfectionism.  I want each post to be deep, or funny, or witty, or moving or all of the above!  I have dreams of grandeur...which I can keep safely as dreams if I never blog right?? 
So here's to new starts, re-starts, continuing the journey.