Why is it so hard to get into the discipline of blogging?? I try, then I get overwhelmed by wanting it to be witty, pithy or deep! ugh.
I'm trying out a new format for my Council report tonight. I have been doing a written report divided up into personal, congregational, and community with a record of my goings and doings. But last month one of our new elders said he wants to hear about what I'm thinking, more reflection etc... Actually in my previous church I don't think I ever even gave a written report. When I first started here there was a very antagonistic elder and basically my report became a way to demonstrate I was "earning my keep." Which isn't a negative thing. I think many people don't have much idea what ministers do with their time. The problem with a report that includes hard data is all the stuff it doesn't include, study time, phone calls, all the intangible stuff of day to day ministry.
We'll see, I have a feeling some elders may now say "this isn't enough info!" We'll see.
This week is Palm Sunday. I used to feel the need to do Passion Sunday but it's best left for Maundy Thursday and/or Good Friday.
As we near the end of Lent I confess I wasn't very successful at giving up violence, especially viewing violence on t.v. It's insidious, it takes many forms. But I'm thinking at least my pangs of guilt whenever a show I was watching would take a violent turn helped me be more aware and sensitive to it, which was really a big part of my intention. I feel that it is such a part of our culture that we become immune to it.