Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Exploring the faith, religious, spiritual blogosphere

In trying to develop my own habit and ritual of blogging I have been exploring other blogs.  Mostly religious, faith, sprituality based, but not all.  I am finding that there is some wonderful writing out there, and some not so great or compelling stuff.  I decided to jot down some of the things I really enjoy and some of the blog themes and topics I will skip.
I really enjoy:
  • Humor.  There are some really creative, clever, and funny ministers out there, and a lot of great blog titles too!
  • Thoughtfulness.  As in, posts that reflect some serious thinking.  (unlike my recent rant about my car)hahaha
  • Practicality.  As a minister preaching every week I love reading and discussing the lectionary, sharing resources for worship and ministry.
  • Inspiration.  I'm a word lover and hoarder.  I will copy and paste quotes all day long.  I love coming across wonderful thoughts and quotes people share.
  • Interesting.  People's stories and lives are generally fascinating.  
  • Books, books, books.  I love to read and love to know what others are reading and what they think.
  • Poetry
  • Music
Blogs and/or Posts I'll Skip:
  • Blogs about cats, or dogs, or pets. Unless they can talk.
  • Blogs in which people refer to themselves in the first person.
  • Blogs in which people refer to their significant other with a cute endearment, as in "the beloved and I went on vacation."  "Sparky and I fixed meatloaf." ugh.
  • Posts about one's most recent tattoo and its significance.  
What particularly interests or disinterests you in the blogging world?

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